Garden & Grounds Maintenance

Appealing and well-maintained surroundings leave a lasting impression. Regardless of the season or weather, we ensure your garden and grounds remain impeccable.

Our proficient team conducts routine tasks based on your needs and schedule. You’ll have a designated contract manager in constant communication.

Lawn Mowing

Regardless of your lawn’s dimensions or topography, TGG is up to the task. Our arsenal includes push mowers for smaller lawns and ride-on mowers for efficiently mowing extensive expanses, along with eco-friendly electric mowers to minimise noise and environmental impact where necessary.

Moreover, our state-of-the-art remote-controlled bank mowers allow us to expertly manage even the steepest and most uneven terrains with ease.

Hedge Cutting

At TGG, no hedge is too large, too lengthy, or too ornate for us to handle. Our equipment comprises long-pole and short-arm hedge-cutters, tractor-mounted cutters for the tallest hedges.

Petrol-powered hand-operated equipment is used for our domestic work with all-electric options available for when minimal disruption is advantageous.

TGG is ready, no matter the task.

Border Maintenance

We derive satisfaction from maintaining well-groomed borders that boast a weed-free, seasonal charm.

Our skilled team are delighted to offer guidance on selecting new border plants, taking into account factors such as soil type, sun exposure, colour preferences, and strategies for attracting pollinators.


TGG’s horticulturalists offer expert guidance on the pruning requirements and timing for each of these plants, and we can perform the necessary pruning tasks at the right moment to maintain their well-being and vitality.

Leaf Control

The majority of leaf clearance occurs from October to December. We possess a variety of leaf blowers, and we employ battery-powered blowers in situations where noise reduction is essential.

Whenever feasible, we gather fallen leaves to allow for natural decomposition, creating valuable compost for use in the beds during the upcoming season.

Tree felling and pruning

At TGG, we offer comprehensive tree felling and pruning services to maintain the health and beauty of your outdoor spaces. Our skilled arborists are equipped to handle tree removal when necessary, ensuring safety and minimal disruption. We also provide expert pruning services tailored to specific tree types, promoting healthy growth and aesthetics.


Strimming plays a crucial role in our grounds maintenance regimen, ensuring the neat and tidy appearance of edges, areas around obstacles, and riverbanks.

To minimise noise pollution and emissions on your premises, we opt for battery-powered strimmers wherever feasible, as opposed to the typically noisy petrol strimmers.

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